Friday 3 February 2017

Some basic concepts of chemistry

1)What is chemistry
2)main branches and their sub branches of chemistry
3)Importance of chemistry in our life
4)Matter and its classification
As we think about the world around us we found that everything in this world whether it is rocks,water, sand,vapour, gases.etc.from smaller to larger one is made up of subunits and those subunits by their subunits and so on till we reached at a point where we found that there is some thing what we called a fundamental unit of all matter which is an atom. In science till now we have discovered. 118 elements. That means if we ignore isotopes, isobars etc then there are 118 types of Atom and these atoms combine together to form the molecules and aggregation of the molecules results in the formation of matter whom we are taking about. It is self evident truth or we can say it is obvious that there is a huge diversity in the matter having different properties such as physical as well as chemical so the question arise how could we study all the matter, that is, its properties both physical and chemical besides having such a huge diversity in matter so there arise a need of a systematic way in science under which we could be able to explain such a huge diversity in matter thus chemistry appears as a result of a system which we need. Now, According to Roald Hoffman
Chemistry is science of molecules and their transformations, it is the science not so much of the one hundred elements but the infinite variety of molecules that may be build from them
                   Now from the modern point of view
chemistry is defined as that branch of science which deals with the study of composition,structure and properties of matter and the changes which the matter undergoes under different conditions and the laws which govern these changes.
Since,there is huge diversity in matter and which makes the subject very broad so for our convenience chemistry is sub divided into branches even in subbranches. Here is an overview of its branches and subbranches.
There are five major branches of chemistry organic, inorganic, analytical, physical, and biochemistry. They are divided into many sub-branches.

Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry which deals with the study of the structure, properties, and preparation of chemical compounds that consist primarily of carbon and hydrogen.
Organic chemistry is subdivided into many subbranches some of them are given below
Medicinal chemistry —It is the subbranch of organic chemistry dealing with the design, development, and synthesis of medicinal drugs. It overlaps with pharmacology (the study of drug action).
Organometallic chemistry — the study of chemical compounds containing bonds between carbon and a metal.
Polymer chemistry — It is the study of polymers.I.e., study of organic compounds containing large number of hydrocarbons in a single chain that may be branched or unbranched
Physical organic chemistry — the study of the interrelationships between structure and reactivity in organic molecules.
Stereochemistry — the study of the spatial arrangements of atoms in molecules and their effects on the chemical and physical properties of substances

 There are five major branches of chemistry organic, inorganic, analytical, physical, and biochemistry. They are divided into many sub-branches.

Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry which deals with the study of the structure, properties, and preparation of chemical compounds that consist primarily of carbon and hydrogen.
Organic chemistry is subdivided into many subbranches some of them are given below
Medicinal chemistry —It is the subbranch of organic chemistry dealing with the design, development, and synthesis of medicinal drugs. It overlaps with pharmacology (the study of drug action).
Organometallic chemistry — the study of chemical compounds containing bonds between carbon and a metal.
Polymer chemistry — It is the study of polymers.I.e., study of organic compounds containing large number of hydrocarbons in a single chain that may be branched or unbranched
Physical organic chemistry — the study of the interrelationships between structure and reactivity in organic molecules.
Stereochemistry — the study of the spatial arrangements of atoms in molecules and their effects on the chemical and physical properties of substances.

Inorganic chemistry is the branch of chemistry which deals with the study of the properties and behaviour of inorganic compounds. It study  all chemical compounds without organic compounds.
Inorganic chemists study things such as crystal structures, minerals, metals, catalysts, and most elements in the Periodic Table.
Branches of inorganic chemistry are as follow:
Bioinorganic chemistry —It is the  subbranch of chemistry which deals with the study of the interaction of metal ions with living tissue, mainly through their direct effect on enzyme activity.
Geochemistry —It is the another sub branch of inorganic chemistry which deals with the study of the chemical composition and changes in rocks, minerals, and atmosphere of the earth or a celestial body.
Nuclear chemistry — Elements like uranium, plutinium, iridium etc continueosly emits radiation the process of such phenomena is called radioactivity.and the substances showing such activity are called radioactive substances.and the sub branch of inorganic chemistry which deals with the study of radioactive substances is called nuclear chemistry.
Organometallic chemistry — It is the subbranch of chemistry which deals with the study of chemical compounds containing bonds between carbon and a metal.
Solid-state chemistry —it is the subbranch of inorganic chemistry which deals with the study of the synthesis, structure, and properties of solid materials.

Analytical chemistry is the branch of chemistry which deals with the development of tools, methods, techniques, under which chemistry can be studied in a convenient way.
Analytical chemistry is subdivided into two sub branches
1) the qualitative analysis
2)quantitative  analysis.
Analytical chemistry is used to determine the chemical components of has a vast applications in different field of science.Some
Examples of areas using analytical chemistry include:
Forensic chemistry — the application of chemical principles, techniques, and methods to the investigation of crime.
Environmental chemistry —the study of the chemical and biochemical phenomena that occur in the environment.It relies heavily on analytical chemistry and includes atmospheric, aquatic, and soil chemistry.
Bioanalytical Chemistry — the examination of biological materials such as blood, urine, hair, saliva, and sweat to detect the presence of specific drugs.

Physical Chemistry —The branch of chemistry which deals with the study of the effect of chemical structure non the physical properties of a substance.
 Physical chemists study the rate of a chemical reaction, the interaction of molecules with radiation, and the calculation of structures and properties.
Sub-branches of physical chemistry include:
Photochemistry — the study of the chemical changes caused by light.
Surface chemistry — the study of chemical reactions at surfaces of substances. It includes topics like adsorption, heterogeneous catalysis, formation of colloids, corrosion, electrode processes, and chromatography.
Chemical kinetics — the study of the rates of chemical reactions, the factors affecting those rates, and the mechanism by which the reactions proceed.
Quantum chemistry — the mathematical description of the motion and interaction of subatomic particles. It incorporates quantization of energy, wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and their relationship to chemical processes.
Spectroscopy — the use of the absorption, emission, or scattering of electromagnetic radiation by matter to study the matter or the chemical processes it undergoes.

Biochemistry is the branch of chemistry which deals with the study of chemical reactions that take place inside living organisms. It is the science which  explain the physical forms in chemical terms.
Biochemical research includes cancer and stem cell biology, infectious disease, and cell membrane and structural biology.
It spans molecular biology, genetics, biochemical pharmacology, clinical biochemistry, and agricultural biochemistry.
Molecular biology — the study of the interactions between the various systems of a cell, such as the different types of DNA, RNA, and protein biosynthesis.
Genetics — the study of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms.

Pharmacology — the study of mechanisms of drug action and the influence of drugs on an organism.
Toxicology —a sub-branch of pharmacology that studies the effects of poisons on living organisms.
Clinical biochemistry — the study of the changes that disease causes in the chemical composition and biochemical processes of the body.
Agricultural biochemistry — the study of the chemistry that occurs in plants, animals, and microorganisms.
Thus, although there are FIVE main branches of chemistry and there are many sub-branches.
There is a huge overlap between Chemistry and Biology, Medicine, Physics, Geology, and many other field of sciences.
Although from the explanation we might have got idea of applications of chemistry in different fields of science besides that we still discuss its importance in common mans life how it effects our life style or our life standard.

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