Friday 15 August 2014

Structure of Atom: Bhor's Model of atom and Pastulates_Of_Rutherfords_Model_Of_ Atom


         In order to explain stability of atom and to overcome the objection of Rutherford's model of atom , Neils Bohr put forward his atomic model in 1913. Bohr's atomic model can be explained as follows:
 1)     An atom is made up of three(03) parts protons(having positive charge) , neutrons(having no charge) and electrons(having negative charge). Due the presence of equal numbers of protons and electrons , the atom is electrically neutral.
2)       The protons and neutrons are present at the center in the nucleus of the atom which results in positive charge on nucleus of atom due to the presence of protons in it.
3)       The electrons revolve continuously around the nucleus in fixed paths called as energy levels or shells. These shells are represented in two ways either by numbers i.e1,2,3,4,5,6 or by letters i.e k,l,m,n,o,p. The energy levels are counted from centre outwards.
4)       There is a limit for each energy level to hold a particular number of electrons.
5)       Each energy level is associated with a fixed, energy the inner shell consists minimum energy while the outer most shell contains a maximum energy in it.
6)       There is no change in energy of electron until continues in rotating in the same energy level and the atom remains stable. the change in the energy level of electrons increases  or decreases only when they lose or gain energy by changing their shells.    

Pastulates_Of_Rutherfords_Model_Of_ Atom...

 1)   Atom consists of a positively charged center, the nucleus.
 2)   At a considerable distance from the nucleus, the electrons were orbiting in a manner much like the way the planets orbit the sun. Hence this model is also called as planetary model of atom.  
3)    The no. of electrons in the orbit is equal to the no. of protons in the nucleus. Hence the atom is electrically neutral.

4)    The volume of nucleus is negligible small as compared to the volume of atom.

5)    Hence, most of the space in the atom is empty.


            There are some drawbacks (defects) in the Rutherford's model but the main drawback in his theory is that he don't have explained anything about the stability of atom. This will become more clear from the discussion below.
                                                Ruherford in his model has proposed that negatively charged particles known as electrons revolve around the nucleus of atom which has positive charge in cicular paths. But we know that when an object rotates in circular path it starts accelerating.
                                    According to the electromagnetic theory of physics if a charged particle undergoes accelerated motion in circular path then it must lose energy in form of radiations now if we apply this electromagnetic theory to rutherford's model then it implies that while these electrons revolve they continously loose their energy and gradually their speed decreases and they gets attracted by the nucleus of atom and finally they will fall in the nucleus hence which will result in making atom very unstable and will collapse.

                                    But this doesnt' happen at all and electrons did not fall in the nucleus of atom. And did not collapse on its own and this is the main problem with rutherford's model of atom.

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